How A Strategic Topic Cluster Model Took Phyllo From 2 Leads to 39 Leads M.o.M

How A Strategic Topic Cluster Model Took Phyllo From 2 Leads to 39 Leads M.o.M

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Phyllo is an influencer marketing platform founded by Akhil Bhiwal and Mohit Kumar. Phyllo helps marketing agencies gather social media data from influencer profiles, such as profile details, engagement metrics, and much more. Using Phyllo’s universal API, developers obtain live data from various creator platforms and consolidate them onto a single dashboard.


When we partnered with Phyllo, we understood that the company wanted to become the sought-after brand for authoritative content in the platform-specific API space. To this end, Phyllo wanted to publish high-quality content to increase organic traffic and conversion. Do note that Phyllo also had content marketers in-house to write high-quality content that can cater to the needs of their audience.


Phyllo’s weak link was the lack of a data-driven, conversion-focused content and SEO strategy. Without a clear roadmap for its content strategy, Phyllo struggled to effectively use content to bring in leads and conversions. When we took the SEO mantle, Phyllo’s organic SEO efforts contributed to 2 leads per month.


Our plan to supercharge Phyllo’s growth was this:

  • Scour the website thoroughly for re-optimization opportunities
  • Analyze pages for traffic and conversions and categorize content based on opportunities in the following manner:
Low ConversionHigh Conversion
High trafficOpportunity to improve the conversionNo change
Low trafficOpportunity to improve both traffic and conversionsOpportunity to improve the traffic

The road map

For pages grouped as “opportunity to improve conversions”, we focused on using product screenshots and explanatory videos within the content and leveraged gated assets on pages where the intent was deemed fit. We carefully analyzed user behavior on MS Clarity to inform our content optimization efforts.

We also ran a paid social media campaign using product-explanatory videos and gifs to educate users at the bottom of the funnel.

We focused on increasing topical authority for pages grouped under 2 & 3 by building pillar and cluster pages. For example, we wrote high-quality social media API integration content and used it as a pillar topic. We also linked back web pages with content on Instagram API, TikTok API, and LinkedIn API to the pillar page to boost semantic relevance and topical authority for the entire pillar and cluster.

Besides relying on traditional keyword research data, we published elaborate and exhaustive articles based on:

  • PAA questions related to pricing, features & ‘How to’s’
  • Our ICP trigger points as topics i.e. ‘Challenges with Free APIs’

We scaled content to 5 -7 articles month on month, and zeroed in on quality. Eventually, Phyllo started dominating SERPs with high-quality, unique content.


The strategy garnered Phyllo:

  • A 573% increase in blog-only organic traffic - 1500 to 11k
  • A whopping 1,850% surge in total events (leads, opportunities, MQLs, SQLs, and customers) - from 2 leads per month to 39 leads per month

Contacts by lifecycle stages


Demos booked by demo status


Deals by deal stages.

  • All datas are taken from Jan 2023 for demos and deals. We started seeing any pipeline from April (when we started) and started seeing won deals from month 4 (August)

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