Plivo Reduced their CPMQL by 5x while Decreasing their Payback by 3x

50% Increase in Landing Page CVR (From 2.5% to 3.6%) after the CRO Suggestions


decrease in Cost per MQL within 6 months


increase in ROAS


Increase in Landing Page CVR (From 2.5% to 3.6%) after the CRO Suggestions

Table of Contents


Plivo's is an SMS API and Voice API platform that enables businesses to communicate with their customers on a global scale.

Plivo joined hands with TripleDart to scale their Performance Marketing efforts &. To start with, TripleDart performed a brand audit followed by an account hygiene check. This helped our team understand Plivo’s existing campaigns, value propositions, and the corresponding target audience. Based on the insights, our PPC experts kickstarted a search term clean-up, account restructuring, and campaign segregation. As a result, it helped us save 30%-40% of the total spend and reduce Plivo’s CPMQLs by 5x.


Before engaging with TripleDart Plivo encountered

  • Lack of account hygiene and incomplete campaign structures
  • Inappropriate search terms redirecting almost 30% traffic to irrelevant contexts
  • No roadmap on campaign level projections or scaling the ad spend to leverage better ROAS
  • Insufficient assets to execute paid campaigns to their full potential


The primary challenges encountered by the TripleDart team includes

  • Defining the campaign structure was tedious as the team had to stabilize overall account hygiene as well
  • There was no clear geo-wise segregation laid out for global campaigns
  • Several unessential primary conversion goals for the campaigns
  • We had to spend significant amount of time on active target maneuvering and down-the-funnel tracking
  • Audit and Improve landing pages conversions and undefined campaign structure


We started with monthly projections to enable optimal scaling through different channels for each campaign besides improving the overall funnel ratio. In the last two quarters, we’ve successfully met the projections on a MoM basis. Here’s a breakdown of how we did it:

  • Our primary goal was to hit the right search terms. We performed a rigorous search term cleanup which helped us save at least 30%-40% of the total spend.
  • Account restructuring and segregated campaigns based on the geo-locations and strategic themes to control the bids, budgets, communication, and targets.
  • In-depth audit was performed to identify idle or poor-performing keywords and infused several Responsive Search Ads to pump up the Quality Score.

Client Metrics

Action Plan

SEM - Both Google & Bing

Key Activities

  • Confirm offline conversion events with values
  • Bleed Stopping (Ensure Current Campaigns Are Not Underperforming For Too Long)
  • Keyword gap analysis
  • Audience creation/observation mode
  • Launch & expand RLSA campaigns
  • Launch performance max
  • Create SWOT analysis.
  • Create 2 CRO plans & frameworks.
  • Optimise Bing ads structure

30-60-90 Day Planning

Month 1:

Research last couple of quarter data to set right goals for Q3

  • Analyse both region and campaign level to take avg benchmarks for conversion rate, 
lead to MQL%, MQL to SAL%, SAL to SQL%, SQL to Pipeline%, and Pipeline to 
Closed won%
  • Once we get above avg data benchmarks & move forward creating Q3 spends & 
SQL goals region wise

Bleed Stopping (Ensure Current Campaigns Are Not Underperforming For Too Long)

  • We have to review different data cuts like high CPL,  high CPC & cost keywords,
high cost with less conversions, high clicks with less conversions
  • Improve keyword performance based on above different data cuts & inferences

Confirm offline conversion events with values

  • We have already moved OCE to Google ads, now we have set values
  • Moving forward, based on this intent signals we should optimise our campaigns

Assign proper budget allocation & campaigns goals

  • Once we arrive at the region level budget, we should have each campaign budget 
& goals to achieve. If that campaign couldn’t bring success, let’s relocate the spends 
& goals
  • Each campaign should optimise combination website event + OCE, but later once we have good signals, we should move forward with OCE & optimise further for SAL or SQL events to improve our pipeline.

Audience Creation / Observation mode

  • Create multiple audience bucket both warm & hot audience segment
  • Upload TAM audience list to focus more on retargeting
  • Map the audience like website, in-market, and TAM list in observation for all the campaigns

Create CRO framework & ideas around landing page

  • Create CRO framework & ideas around landing page

Month 2:

Set experiment Targets with (CRO, Messaging, Campaigns etc)

  • Eliminate exit links from all the landing pages
  • Include more social proof like G2 badges, testimonials, case studies
  • Include more stats to showcase how Plivo is best in industry
  • Prepare headline optimisation plan & run AB experiments (As per my view herosection is important, so we should have proper CRO roadmap to optimise)
  • Launch RLSA campaigns with High intent audience segment based on observation
  • Launch Performance max with Warm intent audience segment based on observation + exclude brand + keep rule to perform high in desktop

Month 3:

  • Review quarterly target vs attainment & focus more on SQL goals
  • Review First CRO experiment & based on results. We should plan second CRO plan
  • Prepare campaign level experiment like Majorly experiment on Max conversion with tCPA cap &  max conversion value with ROAS cap
  • Run mobile specific campaign to expand our opportunities (With minimal budget)

Paid Social & ABM

Key Activities

  • Diversifying the creative strategy.
  • Take advantage of G2 intent data.
  • Make use of the creative engagements to establish communication to nurtured 
accounts so far.
  • Launch Conversational Ads for well nurtured ABM audiences from previous campaigns.
  • Launch Website conversions campaigns for audiences in MoFU stage.
  • Launch a full pledged ABM campaign for a new account list and move the accounts through Awareness, Consideration phases for reach outs.
  • Bring in multi channel touch points using a tool like lemlist to reach out on LinkedIn & Email.
  • Hyper personalised 1 - 1 ABM approach for a selective 20 dream target accounts.

30-60-90 Day Planning

Month 1:

  • Launch conversational Ads for the nurtured 10 - 3 - 3 accounts.
  • Sync in G2 intent data into hubspot to build competitor wise segments and send the audiences to LinkedIn Ads.
  • Understand the product value props, features, ICP, competitor landscape and USPs much better.
  • Based on the ICP, filter out the enterprises we want to target using Apollo. Segment 
the audiences by industry/employee size/ tech stack / Other firmographics for 
targeting purposes.
  • Pass on the weekly creative interaction data across for cold outreach on LinkedIn 
& Email.
  • Build Consideration creatives specific to each competitor:
    • Benefits & product value props
    • Case Studies
    • Customer testimonials
    • Pricing - Plivo Vs competitors
    • Support SLAs
  • Launch MoFu campaigns for the H1 target accounts (Twilio customers) to familiarise prospects about Plivos’ features, offerings & Case studies just to stay on top of the prospect accounts mind.
  • Plan the landing pages for all the 3 phases of a campaign (namely, Awareness, consideration & Decision making) agnostic of the audiences.

Month 2:

  • Build Awareness creatives to promote Plivo as a thought leader in the cPaaS industry.
  • Launch Awareness campaigns for the audiences we take from Apollo.
  • Look for scope to further deepen the target accounts and drill down to a selective 20 accounts considering the interaction, account size, ease of closing, etc.. to hyper-personalise/ 1 - 1 outreach.
  • Build Email & Inmail collateral for the 1 - 1 approach.
  • Launch the consideration creatives for the G2 segmented competitor intent audiences and promote how Plivo is a better alternative.
  • Move the MoFu audiences from H1 target accounts list to Decision making phase by launching conversational Ads & Lead gen form Single image Ads.

Month 3:

  • Launch the leadgen campaigns targeting the G2 intent audiences & Apollo lists to have a pipeline of leads for the Sales/BDR teams to outreach.
  • Build Emailing capabilities for personalised & cold outreach purposes with multi channel outreach tools like Lemlist and setting up secondary email domains.
  • Kickstart the 1 - 1 efforts for the selected 20 accounts on LinkedIn & Email using Lemlist.
  • Benchmark the overall results for ABM campaigns - Twilio customers, G2 intent audiences, Apollo lists.

It’s been over 8 months and the engagements with the Tripledart team feel like working with an extended team. They could smoothly plug into our existing team's structure and quickly fill gaps in our team.We could leverage their knowledge of SaaS marketing and build a structure for our go-to-market strategy for our product. Their strong tactical/execution experience helped crack our focus distribution channels and set the product on a trajectory toward predictable revenue marketing efforts through performance channels.

Narayanan Vyas
Director of New Initiatives, Plivo

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