UTM Builder - Free URL Generator for Creating UTM Codes

Create UTM codes quickly and easily for better campaign tracking.

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What are UTM parameters?

UTM parameters, also known as UTM tags or UTM codes, are snippets of text added to the end of a URL to measure online marketing campaigns across source, medium, campaign name, term, and content. UTM parameters help marketers understand where visitors are coming from, which campaigns are driving traffic, and how users interact with content, enabling detailed analysis and optimization of marketing efforts.

Importance of UTMs in Digital Marketing

UTM parameters are crucial in digital marketing for several reasons:

  • Tracking Campaign Performance: UTMs enable precise tracking of where traffic is coming from, allowing marketers to identify which campaigns are driving the most engagement.
  • Measuring ROI: By analyzing UTM data, marketers can determine the return on investment for specific campaigns and channels, helping to allocate budgets more effectively.
  • Optimizing Strategies: Detailed insights from UTM tracking help in optimizing marketing strategies by highlighting what works and what doesn’t, leading to better decision-making.
  • Customizable Tracking: UTMs provide flexibility in tracking different campaign elements, such as source, medium, and content, ensuring comprehensive data collection for in-depth analysis.
  • Enhanced Reporting: UTMs facilitate the creation of detailed reports that can showcase the effectiveness of various marketing efforts to stakeholders, demonstrating the impact of different strategies.

By leveraging UTMs, marketers can gain valuable insights into their campaigns, improve targeting, and ultimately enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their digital marketing initiatives.

Components of a UTM

UTM parameters consist of five key components that help track and analyze the performance of marketing campaigns:

  • Source (utm_source): Identifies the origin of the traffic, such as Google, Facebook, or a newsletter.
  • Medium (utm_medium): Specifies the medium used, like email, social media, CPC (cost-per-click), or organic.
  • Campaign (utm_campaign): Names the specific campaign, such as a product launch or holiday sale, to differentiate it from others.
  • Term (utm_term): Used for tracking paid search campaigns to identify the keywords or terms driving traffic.
  • Content (utm_content): Differentiates between similar content or links within the same ad, helping to identify the most effective versions.

By using these components, marketers can gain detailed insights into the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize their marketing strategies.

Example of a UTM Code

Here's an example of a UTM code added to a URL to track a campaign:

Breakdown of the UTM Parameters:

  • utm_source=facebook: The traffic source is Facebook.
  • utm_medium=social: The medium used is social media.
  • utm_campaign=spring_sale: The campaign name is "spring_sale".
  • utm_term=spring_shoes: The keyword or term associated with the campaign is "spring_shoes".
  • utm_content=ad_variation1: Differentiates this ad from other variations in the same campaign.

This UTM code helps track the effectiveness of the "spring_sale" campaign on Facebook, providing insights into which ad variation drives the most traffic.

What is a UTM Builder?

A UTM Builder helps create UTM parameters to add to URLs for tracking campaign performance. It simplifies the process by providing fields to input the source, medium, campaign name, term, and content. Once the necessary information is entered, the tool generates a complete URL with the appropriate UTM tags. This ensures accuracy and consistency, allowing marketers to easily track and analyze the effectiveness of their digital marketing campaigns.

Benefits of UTM Builders

  • Efficiency: Quickly generate accurate UTM codes, saving time and reducing manual errors.
  • Consistency: Ensures uniformity in UTM parameters across all campaigns, aiding in coherent data analysis.
  • Simplified Tracking: Makes it easy to append detailed tracking information to URLs, enhancing campaign performance monitoring.
  • Improved Analysis: Facilitates detailed reporting and analysis by capturing specific campaign metrics, leading to better decision-making.
  • User-Friendly: Offers an intuitive interface that simplifies the process, making it accessible even for those with limited technical knowledge.

Using a UTM builder helps streamline the tracking and analysis process, providing valuable insights to optimize marketing strategies.

How to Create a UTM Tracking Link Using Our Builder

Creating a UTM tracking link with our builder is simple and efficient. Follow these steps:

  • Enter URL: Start by inputting the URL of the webpage you want to track.
  • Add Source: Fill in the traffic source (e.g., Google, Facebook).
  • Specify Medium: Indicate the medium used (e.g., email, social, CPC).
  • Campaign Name: Enter the name of your campaign for easy identification.
  • Optional Fields: Include terms and content if needed to track keywords and differentiate ad versions.
  • Generate URL: Click the button to generate your fully tagged URL.
  • Copy and Use: Copy the generated URL and use it in your marketing campaigns.

Using our UTM builder ensures accuracy and consistency, helping you track and analyze your marketing efforts effectively.

Best Practices for Using UTMs

Consistency is Key:

Use consistent naming conventions for UTM parameters to ensure clarity in your data. Avoid using different terms for the same source or medium across campaigns.

Keep it Simple:

While it's tempting to add extensive details, stick to essential information to keep URLs manageable and avoid clutter.

Standardize Naming Conventions:

Develop a set of guidelines for UTM parameter names and ensure your team adheres to them. This includes using lowercase letters and replacing spaces with hyphens or underscores.

Use Descriptive Campaign Names:

Choose campaign names that clearly describe the promotion, product, or event. This helps in easily identifying the campaign’s performance in analytics tools.

Track Keywords:

 For paid campaigns, use the term parameter to track specific keywords. This provides insights into which keywords are driving traffic and conversions.

Differentiate Ad Variations:

 Utilize the content parameter to distinguish between different ad versions. This allows you to test and identify which ad creatives perform best.

Monitor and Review:

Regularly review the performance data of your UTM-tagged URLs. Analyze the results to optimize future campaigns and make informed decisions.

Educate Your Team:

Ensure everyone involved in campaign creation understands the importance of UTM parameters and follows best practices. This ensures uniform data collection and analysis.

Following these best practices will enhance the accuracy of your campaign tracking and provide valuable insights for optimizing your digital marketing strategies.

Who's it for?

Digital Marketers

By tagging URLs with UTM parameters, digital marketers  can gain insights into which channels and campaigns drive the most traffic and conversions, allowing for data-driven optimization.

Content Creators

Content creators, including bloggers and social media managers, use UTM builders to measure the effectiveness of their content distribution. By tracking the source, medium, and campaign, they can identify the most engaging content and platforms for their audience.

SEO Specialists

SEO specialists use UTM builders to analyze the impact of SEO efforts on different traffic sources. By adding UTM tags to links, they can track the success of their strategies and make informed decisions to improve site performance and visibility.

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SaaS Calculators

CAC SaaS Calculator with Demand Generation Funnel

Free CAC SaaS Calculator - How To Calculate CAC

This CAC SaaS tool calculates simple Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), a key SaaS benchmark. CAC equals Total Sales and Marketing Cost divided by Customers Added. Optional inputs in this calculator allow for modeling out an updated CAC based on an additional demand generation marketing spend and traditional MQL/SAL/SQL/Closed Won funnel stages and ratios.


Sales Costs, Marketing Costs

# of Customers Added

Additional Demand Generation Spend

Lead to MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) Ratio - What % of leads are MQLs? Rough SaaS Industry benchmark is 15%. Heavily dependent on targeting, quality/fit of leads.

MQL to SAL (Sales Accepted Lead) Ratio - What % of MQLs turn to SALs? Rough SaaS Industry benchmark is 60%.

SAL to SQL (Sales Qualified Lead) Ratio - What % of SALs to SQLs? Rough SaaS Industry benchmark is 55%.

SQL to Closed Won Deal Ratio - What % of SQLs turn into Closed Won Deals? Rough SaaS Industry benchmark is 25%


Total Sales and Marketing Cost

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

# of Leads, MQLs, SALs, Closed Won Deals

Updated Customer Acquisition Cost

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Total Sales and Marketing Cost

$ 20,000

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

$ 200/Customer

Optional Inputs - Additional Variable Demand Generation Spend

Let's assume Sales Costs and Baseline Marketing Costs stay constant. How is CAC affected by additional demand gen spending and different (basic) funnel metrics?

# of Leads


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What % of leads are MQLs? Rough SaaS Industry benchmark is 15%. Heavily dependent on targeting, quality/fit of leads.



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What % of MQLs turn to SALs? Rough SaaS Industry benchmark is 60%.



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What % of SALs to SQLs? Rough SaaS Industry benchmark is 55%.



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What % of SQLs turn into Closed Won Deals? Rough SaaS Industry benchmark is 25%.

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Closed Won Deals


New Total Customers Added (Customers Added plus Closed Won Deals)


New Sales and Marketing Cost with Additional Demand Gen Spend


Updated Customer Acquisition Cost

$ 303.03/Customer

CAC Considerations and Best Practices

CAC is most importantly related to LTV (Customer Lifetime Value). A good CAC ratio is generally accepted as 3:1. Meaning a customer is worth 3 times more than the cost to acquire them over the course of the customer lifetime.

CAC is most importantly related to LTV (Customer Lifetime Value). A good CAC ratio is generally accepted as 3:1. Meaning a customer is worth 3 times more than the cost to acquire them over the course of the customer lifetime.

LTV SaaS Calculator
LTV SaaS Calculator

Optional Inputs - Additional Variable Demand Generation Spend
Let's assume Sales Costs and Baseline Marketing Costs stay constant. How is CAC affected by additional demand gen spending and different (basic) funnel metrics?

Free Online Advertising ROI Calculator - How To Calculate ROI % for Marketing Programs

Optional Inputs - Additional Variable Demand Generation Spend
Let's assume Sales Costs and Baseline Marketing Costs stay constant. How is CAC affected by additional demand gen spending and different (basic) funnel metrics?