CAC SaaS Calculator with Demand Generation Funnel

Effortlessly calculate your Customer Acquisition Cost for SaaS with our intuitive CAC Calculator.

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Total Sales and Marketing Cost

$ 20,000

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

$ 200/Customer

Optional Inputs - Additional Variable Demand Generation Spend

Let's assume Sales Costs and Baseline Marketing Costs stay constant. How is CAC affected by additional demand gen spending and different (basic) funnel metrics?

# of Leads


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What % of leads are MQLs? Rough SaaS Industry benchmark is 15%. Heavily dependent on targeting, quality/fit of leads.



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What % of MQLs turn to SALs? Rough SaaS Industry benchmark is 60%.



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What % of SALs to SQLs? Rough SaaS Industry benchmark is 55%.



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What % of SQLs turn into Closed Won Deals? Rough SaaS Industry benchmark is 25%.

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Closed Won Deals


New Total Customers Added (Customers Added plus Closed Won Deals)


New Sales and Marketing Cost with Additional Demand Gen Spend


Updated Customer Acquisition Cost

$ 303.03/Customer

CAC Considerations and Best Practices

CAC is most importantly related to LTV (Customer Lifetime Value). A good CAC ratio is generally accepted as 3:1. Meaning a customer is worth 3 times more than the cost to acquire them over the course of the customer lifetime.

CAC is most importantly related to LTV (Customer Lifetime Value). A good CAC ratio is generally accepted as 3:1. Meaning a customer is worth 3 times more than the cost to acquire them over the course of the customer lifetime.

LTV SaaS Calculator
LTV SaaS Calculator

Optional Inputs - Additional Variable Demand Generation Spend
Let's assume Sales Costs and Baseline Marketing Costs stay constant. How is CAC affected by additional demand gen spending and different (basic) funnel metrics?

Free Online Advertising ROI Calculator - How To Calculate ROI % for Marketing Programs

Optional Inputs - Additional Variable Demand Generation Spend
Let's assume Sales Costs and Baseline Marketing Costs stay constant. How is CAC affected by additional demand gen spending and different (basic) funnel metrics?

What is Customer Acquisition Cost?

Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is a crucial metric for businesses to understand how much they need to spend to acquire a new customer. It encompasses all costs associated with convincing a potential customer to purchase a product or service, including marketing expenses, sales salaries, and any other costs directly linked to the acquisition process.

How does customer acquisition cost (CAC) work?

CAC works by providing businesses with an understanding of their spending efficiency in acquiring new customers. It helps in budgeting, forecasting, and evaluating the effectiveness of marketing and sales strategies. By analyzing CAC, companies can determine if their acquisition costs are sustainable and identify areas for improvement.

How to calculate CAC? Customer acquisition cost formula

To calculate CAC, you can use the following formula:

CAC = Number of New Customers Acquired/ Total Marketing and Sales Expenses

This formula helps in quantifying the total cost spent on acquiring each new customer.

Example: A SaaS Business

Imagine a SaaS company spends $50,000 on marketing and sales in a month and acquires 200 new customers. The CAC would be:

CAC = $50,000 / 200 = $250

If the average customer generates $1,000 in revenue over their lifetime, the LTV is $1,000. Comparing CAC to LTV, the company can determine if their acquisition efforts are cost-effective.

Components of CAC:

Marketing Expenses: Costs related to advertising, promotions, content creation, and other marketing activities.
Sales Expenses: Salaries, commissions, and bonuses of sales teams.
Operational Costs: Expenses for software, tools, and other operational aspects supporting sales and marketing.

Using a CAC Calculator

Benefits of Using a CAC Calculator

Accurate Cost Tracking:
Keep a close eye on how much you’re spending to acquire new customers.

Better Budgeting and Forecasting:
Allocate resources more effectively by understanding your CAC.

Improved Decision-Making:
Make data-driven decisions that enhance profitability.

Identifying Cost-Saving Opportunities:
Spot inefficiencies and reduce unnecessary expenses.

How to Use TripleDart CAC SAAS Calculator

Steps to Use a CAC SAAS Calculator:

Our SaaS metrics calculator simplifies the process of tracking and analyzing key SaaS metrics. Here’s how you can use it:

1. Input your total marketing and sales expenses.

2. Enter the number of new customers added.

3. Review the calculated CAC and analyze the results.

Interpreting CAC Results

What High CAC Indicates

A high CAC might suggest that your customer acquisition strategies are costly or inefficient. It could be a sign to revisit your marketing and sales tactics.

What Low CAC Indicates

A low CAC indicates that your customer acquisition processes are efficient. It means you're spending less to acquire each new customer, which is a positive sign for your business.

Ways to improve CAC

Optimize Marketing Channels: Focus on the most cost-effective channels for acquiring customers.

Enhance Sales Efficiency: Streamline the sales process to reduce costs.

Improve Customer Retention: Keeping existing customers is cheaper than acquiring new ones.

Leveraging Customer Referrals: Encourage satisfied customers to refer to new ones. Referral programs can significantly reduce your CAC by leveraging existing customer relationships.

Who's it for?


 To understand and optimize their limited budgets.

Established Businesses

 To continuously improve and maintain profitability.

Marketing and Sales Teams:

To refine strategies and justify spending.

Financial Analysts:

To provide accurate financial forecasts and business insights.

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